Wednesday, December 2, 2009

European Union Policy ??? I beg your pardon, what is it about?

European union policy ?

But what is related to the course i follow in France? That is exactly the first thing i was wondering when i saw the list with all minors i was able to follow. Finally i had to make a choice between Asian trade (which doesn't attract me at all) and the so called European Union Policy minor and a minute later i was involved in that course but without knowing what i would find in it.

I come from France which is of course a member state of the EU but really, and now i feel shameful about it, except the name and the very basic ground of it i didn't know anything else related to it.
Moreover when i arrived at the Avans for the first time i quickly realized that our learning methods are so different.

First of all, and one of the most difficult for me as a French student, the time table. I used to have 35 hours of class per week while here i only had less than ten hours but on the other hand they expect from us a wider amount of self studies which i took a few times to assimilate.

The minor is divided into twelve different tasks which focus on various areas of European Union Policy (the four freedoms, monetary policy, competition policy, etc…) and handle the all evolution of the European Union, the relation of European business to the growth of the single market, and the importance of policies to ensure competition in a more integrated and enlarged European Union. And this is achieved through three main pillars: European law, European economics and European communication. The learning system in itself push us to be the more involved possible with a lot of project group assignments , a debating class, the seven step model used during the tutor group. Tutor group’s principal aim is to make us discussing about the task of the day almost without any monitoring from the teacher, one of the students is appointed as the chair-person and lead the discussion, this tutor group is usually followed by multiple lectures and training session related to it.

At the beginning i had to struggle a lot to find my way through the treaties , the law making process, all the EU institutions but actually i can say that it was one of the most interesting course i followed during all my studies.
Especially we did an excursion to European institutions which I really enjoyed because of its relevant character and indeed it strongly helped me to clearly realize the importance of the European Union and how it works.

Today I hardly recommend to all European Union citizens to follow this minor because it’s impressive to see in what extend the European Union is present in our daily life and how the large majority of the people ingnore everything about it.
To conclude I’m proud today to be able to say that I feel as well as a citizen from France than from the European Union!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dubaï: crisis again!

The History is going on. With the alarming news on the finances of the emirate of Dubai, many people wonder if we are not reliving the crisis of September 2008 which brought down Lehman Brothers.

The same fall of stock exchanges, the same lies, the same blindnesses touched the heart of the biggest financial centers in the world, on the ground of threat of bankruptcy from a Dubai model built on the unlimited debts.

Indeed, on Thursday, November 26th, in Paris, London, Frankfurt or Tokyo, the markets of debts got into a panic and stock exchanges dived of more than 3 % on average - Wall Street, for its part, was closed on Thursday, because of Thanksgiving. The movement of decline continued on Friday in the morning. In Asia, the stock exchange of Taipei ended with a decline of 3,21 %, Sydney also fell by 2,90 % whereas in Bombay, the market opened with a drop of about 3 %.
In the first exchanges, on Friday morning, Paris fell by 1,71 %. The financial values were the most affected by these turbulences, showing declines of more than 5 %. While the investors were convinced that the financial crisis was ended, here is the restart.

In this crisis, we find the same guilty actors than in the Lehman brother crisis: the big international banks. These establishments financed blindly the most crazy and expensive projects of the Sheik Mohamed. Of course to free himself from speculations, the emir, Sheik Mohammed, will have to bring clear answers to the important questions on the motives for the implosion of Dubai .

" The lenders were persuaded that the boom was eternal and that in case of any problem, the emir or his defender would pay their debts because they cannot lose the face, but that was not the case ", underlines an expert of the City. Nevertheless, the enormous lack of transparency of the property market should have incited the financiers to be really careful.

Dubaïrotes has a hangover. Country of the immoderation, their emirate is at the edge of the bankruptcy today, with the incapacity to honor its financial commitments. The shock of the announcement, on Wednesday, November 25th, of the rescheduling of the debt of two of its key groups (the Dubai World conglomerate and its Nakheel subsidiary (property market)), until May 30th, 2010 at least, was amplified by the fact that nobody expected such a cataclysm like that. Markets thought that the cyclone was gone away.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

News Commentary: Sustainable developpement policy : How to be aware ?

I found an interesting article about a new magazine wich has done the initiative to inform all the economics actors about all the measures and the advice applicable to companies in sustainable development.
The sustainable development is the question today that all the economic actors are wonderding how to deal with it. This new portal of information presented in this article is http: // to, initiative of the group Libbre.

The sustainable development is qualified as an essential factor today whihch any types of management have to take into account. So, this magazine want to be an innovative portal bringing a new and "green" glance on the current economy. Already numerous actors are mobilized by acting for our planet; and to lead a strategic reflection in a long and sustainable term way became a real leitmotiv. The new support of "Libbre" portal at the same time join the information and incites to have a collaborative spirit. So, the magazine has only a single watchword: join the community right now among the eco-responsible companies and participate in the initiative trough http: //

Through news, files, events … This new Web portal is a real shop window of information for their readers who want to take care of our environment. If you led missions concerning the social responsibility whithin your company, you can freely and quickly state and bring your own advice. Indeed, a simple registration is enough for subjecting your papers and in the same time giving your own contribution for a better world by influencing others to realize the inportance of the sustainable development. From the Internet lambda user to leaders of companies , each have a space on this portal whihch is for me exactly the kind of initiative that reflect the aims of the legendary solidarity of the european union.

So take a look on it and you may be the next bill gates of the sustainable development thanks to this targeted, effective and 100% free communication tool.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The place to be !

Assignment 2:
So i was wondering which place i shall advise to one friends who lands in paris without knowing where he goes but with a single idea in the head: make the party until the sunrise! And the first remark i made was woooww! that is so difficult to find only one place but i immediately though about something which is not a place but more a concept so called "we love art" which is an agency that creates musical events.
"We Love Art" is the catalyst of WE LOVE parties,
which unite original place, specials artists and unifer topic.
Parties & nights with a unique alchemy which thrills curiosity and keeps the mystery of THE next one....

To express it more clearly it is an agency which organizes several paries per year in Paris.The music is generally electronic . The music is indeed one of the main principles of these evenings, they guarantee you the top of the international electronic music, under a theme , often regarding to the nationalities or the kind of music the djs play.

The second principle is the place, it's always more surprising, always more innovative, imagine a few thousand of people in a huge swimming pool under a strong and tribal electronic music and the entire area is decorated like a jungle.

They put a lot of interest in all the visuals effects and the decoration , the preparation of the place. That is the last principle which is for me really important, that is what i expect from a good party, it will permit this particular atmosphere you can feel into these amazing evenings.

To conclude i think i will let a short teaser (01:00) speaks for itself , that was one of my best parties ever!! enjoy it!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The First Review :

A clockwork Orange
(2 february 1972)

The scene takes place in the future in great britain, the protagonist Alex is an ultraviolent youth in a gang of teenagers which go beating and raping every nights. During an evening Alex is betrayed by his brothers "droogies" and arrested by the police. He is now in jail convicted of rape and murder, indeed he has just murdered a woman in her house, and is condemned of fourteen years of prison. At the end of two years of confinement, he benefits from a special program, to rehabilitate every dangerous criminal in fifteen days. It's at the Institute Ludovico where he will receive a brainwashing to disgust him from any violence and any sexuality and for ever, but also inconveniently of the only music which he likes: the ninth symphony of Beethoven. Returned in the civil life, he discovers that his parents are not waiting for him, the proof is that they took a tenant for his room. Alex is now alone in the street, in the incapacited to defend himself, he is beaten by a tramp and his friends , then by Dim one of his Drooggies, his own friend who became a policeman.Completely hurt, he takes refuge with the isolated house of Franck Alexander. This one, swamped by the death of his wife and injured in consequences of the aggression led by alex himself a few years before, does not recognize him at once, and tries to help him to denounce the methods used by the government. Alex will finally go again to the hospital, where a new treatment will bring him back to the life!