Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The First Review :

A clockwork Orange
(2 february 1972)

The scene takes place in the future in great britain, the protagonist Alex is an ultraviolent youth in a gang of teenagers which go beating and raping every nights. During an evening Alex is betrayed by his brothers "droogies" and arrested by the police. He is now in jail convicted of rape and murder, indeed he has just murdered a woman in her house, and is condemned of fourteen years of prison. At the end of two years of confinement, he benefits from a special program, to rehabilitate every dangerous criminal in fifteen days. It's at the Institute Ludovico where he will receive a brainwashing to disgust him from any violence and any sexuality and for ever, but also inconveniently of the only music which he likes: the ninth symphony of Beethoven. Returned in the civil life, he discovers that his parents are not waiting for him, the proof is that they took a tenant for his room. Alex is now alone in the street, in the incapacited to defend himself, he is beaten by a tramp and his friends , then by Dim one of his Drooggies, his own friend who became a policeman.Completely hurt, he takes refuge with the isolated house of Franck Alexander. This one, swamped by the death of his wife and injured in consequences of the aggression led by alex himself a few years before, does not recognize him at once, and tries to help him to denounce the methods used by the government. Alex will finally go again to the hospital, where a new treatment will bring him back to the life!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guillaume,

    Nice summary of an interesting movie, I have seen it aswell a long time ago but I still don't really know what to think of it, very strange!

