Saturday, November 14, 2009

News Commentary: Sustainable developpement policy : How to be aware ?

I found an interesting article about a new magazine wich has done the initiative to inform all the economics actors about all the measures and the advice applicable to companies in sustainable development.
The sustainable development is the question today that all the economic actors are wonderding how to deal with it. This new portal of information presented in this article is http: // to, initiative of the group Libbre.

The sustainable development is qualified as an essential factor today whihch any types of management have to take into account. So, this magazine want to be an innovative portal bringing a new and "green" glance on the current economy. Already numerous actors are mobilized by acting for our planet; and to lead a strategic reflection in a long and sustainable term way became a real leitmotiv. The new support of "Libbre" portal at the same time join the information and incites to have a collaborative spirit. So, the magazine has only a single watchword: join the community right now among the eco-responsible companies and participate in the initiative trough http: //

Through news, files, events … This new Web portal is a real shop window of information for their readers who want to take care of our environment. If you led missions concerning the social responsibility whithin your company, you can freely and quickly state and bring your own advice. Indeed, a simple registration is enough for subjecting your papers and in the same time giving your own contribution for a better world by influencing others to realize the inportance of the sustainable development. From the Internet lambda user to leaders of companies , each have a space on this portal whihch is for me exactly the kind of initiative that reflect the aims of the legendary solidarity of the european union.

So take a look on it and you may be the next bill gates of the sustainable development thanks to this targeted, effective and 100% free communication tool.


  1. Hi Guillaume,

    Nice suggestion to join the sustainable development organisations! Hopefully it will bring about a better world in the end.

    I've tried to copy and paste your text in a word file so I could add some comments and corrections, but this somehow didn't work.
    Should you have any questions, just let me know.


  2. Hi Guillaume,

    I agree with you. Sustanainable development is an important point to care nowadays. The last years, the willpower of many citizens, the grip of the organizations and some politicians have changed and are changing the conscience concerning our environment.

    I checked the website and it is in French! Hahaha! I could understand something and it is interesting.

    See you.

